Scripture Study: Discover the Ancient Teachings of Yoga

Scripture Study: Discover the Ancient Teachings of Yoga

Deepen your understanding of Yoga and gain inspiration for your practice through a study of the ancient scriptures on which Yoga is based.

Scripture Study: Discover the Ancient Teachings of Yoga
  • Yoga Sutras with Nalanie Chellaram

    28 items

    The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali will change your life! Based on the translation and commentary by H H Sri Swami Satchidananda, founder of Integral Yoga.
    Filmed at The Integral Yoga Centre, Gibraltar, on the 31st May 2023.

  • A Roadmap for the Journey: A Course in Miracles with Bharata Wingham

    2 items

    A modern-day sacred text, A Course in Miracles can be an indispensable tool for the sincere seeker. Bharata Wingham guides this journey into the depths of this text with easy humor coupled with deep conviction. A 3-part series

  • A Deep Dive into The Bhagavad Gita with Nalanie Chellaram

    30 items

    A true spiritual teacher, Nalanie Chellaram leads this in-depth study of the classic Indian text, The Bhagavad Gita. A new video will be released each week!

  • Hidden Gems of the Yoga Sutras

    3 items

    In this 3-part series, Rev. Jaganath offers unique and often overlooked insights into Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. New students and experienced experts alike will be sure to glean deeper understanding through these talks with Rev. Jaganath. Th first 2 sessions are audio-only and the last session incl...

  • Journey Into Bhakti with Edwin Bryant

    2 items

    Join Dr. Edwin Bryant, renowned scholar and professor of Yoga and Hindu philosophy, for a deep dive into ancient yogic texts and the devotional practice of Bhakti Yoga.

    This video series will consist of a reading of selections of the best known and loved Bhakti Yoga stories and teachings from th...

  • Exploring the Fabric of a Virtuous Life: The Thirukkural

    4 items

    One of Swami Satchidananda’s most beloved and oft-quoted scriptures was the Thirukkural. Written by Thiruvalluvar, one of South India’s greatest saints and poets, the Thirukkural weaves the fabric of living a virtuous life. The poetry of this beautiful Tamil scripture speaks directly to modern re...

  • The Living Gita: A Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita with Sri Swami Satchidananda

    33 items

    Bhagavad Gita. Video Series.
    New Episodes Weekly: Parts 32 and 33 added 2/2 ...

  • Inside Patanjali's Words with Rev. Jaganath Carrera

    3 items

    Expert teacher, Rev. Jaganth Carrera, guides an in-depth study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Rev. Jaganath has spent much of his life studying the Yoga Sutras and has written 2 separate commentaries on them. A total of 3 sessions

  • Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita with Swami Asokananda

    Learn more about Swami Asokananda

  • Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1 with Swami Asokananda

    Senior monk, Swami Asokananda, elucidates the opening chapter to the renowned spiritual text, the Bhagavad Gita. This talk is full of potent, timeless wisdom.

    Learn more about Swami Asokananda

  • Living the Gita: From Despondency to Enlightenment with Rev. Lakshmi Barsel

    5 items

    In this online series we will explore the foundations of Jnana Yoga (the Yoga of Wisdom), Karma Yoga (the Yoga of Action), Raja Yoga (the Yoga of Concentration and Meditation), and Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of Devotion) as presented by Sri Krishna—the incarnation of the Supreme Lord—to his disciple, ...