Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

Nalanie Harilela Chellaram is a modern spiritual teacher—a true soul doctor dedicated to selfless service. She travels the world to spread a message of wisdom, compassion, and love based on the philosophy of Yoga.

Nalanie attended university in the United States where she studied philosophy, psychology, and fine arts. Later, in 1986, she became a disciple of His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda “Gurudev”, one of the leading lights who brought Yoga to the West and who was also affectionately known as “the Woodstock Guru” after he gave the opening address at the famous Woodstock Music Festival held in New York state in 1969. Under His Holiness’ guidance Nalanie studied the science of Yoga while at the same time continuing her study of philosophy and psychology. She has been accredited by Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia, USA to teach asanas, pranayama and meditation. She is also an accredited Integral Yoga teacher trainer and a Yoga therapist under the British School of Yoga and the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

Her popularity as a counselor has also increased in recent years and she now offers personal consultations worldwide for which she does not charge but rather prefers to work on a donation basis.

Nalanie currently serves as Chairwoman of the Integral Yoga Centres in Sotogrande Alto, Spain and Gibraltar, where she regularly gives talks (satsangs) on spirituality and the science of the mind. She frequently leads Raja Yoga teacher training courses and is becoming increasingly popular as a speaker both locally and internationally.

She is also the founder of the Service in Satchidananda (SIS) initiative, a nonprofit international collective of charities established in honor of Sri Swami Satchidananda and based on his core teaching of selfless service.

Nalanie is highly regarded as the first of a new generation of spiritual teachers. Her particular upbringing and education have given her a special insight into both Hinduism and Christianity, inspired by her beloved Gurudev. Her example as a wife, mother, businesswoman, and now grandmother, who has devoted her life to God and His service, has been a beacon to her students. She shows that it is not necessary to withdraw from life in order to find the “God within”.

In March 2008, Nalanie received an award in recognition of her services to humanity from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and in October of the same year she was also awarded a Humanitarian Award from Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia, USA. In 2022 she received the Mayor’s Award for services to the community from the Mayor of Gibraltar.

Nalanie has also published several booklets dealing with different emotional subjects, a collection of affirmations and poems under the title Divine Grace, and a book entitled Loss, Life, Love that relays her personal journey through grief to love.

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Nalanie Harilela Chellaram
  • Healing The Emotions Through Yoga Practices: Q & A Session

    Continuing the theme of Yoga Therapy - Healing the Emotions, in this edition Nalanie answers deep questions posed by some of her students. It includes advice for YogaTherapists and an outline of the benefits of practicing Integral Yoga. Filmed in Spain on 23rd September 2020.

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  • Yoga Therapy: Healing Emotions - Part 3 - with Nalanie Chellaram

    In this, the last in the series about Yoga as a therapy, Nalanie answers the question 'when is it OK to stop serving the community and look after yourself?' She also provides some guidelines for healing emotions and situations. Filmed and broadcast on Zoom on 30th September 2020.

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  • Yoga And How It Helps With Mental Health: A Talk by Nalanie Chellaram

    In this recording Nalanie discusses the scientifically proven benefits of Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation).

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  • Yoga Therapy To Help With The Loss Of A Loved One: A Talk By Nalanie Chellaram

    Nalanie Harilela Chellaram was one of the guest speakers at the 'Global Yoga Therapy Day' event held on the 14th August 2020. The subject of her talk was how Yoga can help people through bereavement. This video was recorded prior to the event, which was streamed live to an international audience...

  • Yoga Therapy: Healing Emotions: A Talk By Nalanie Chellaram - Introduction

    In this talk, Nalanie asks the question, "Are you stuck emotionally and can't move forward?" She explains that emotions come from thoughts so if you change your thoughts you can change your emotional responses. It includes two short (2 minute) meditations.

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  • Adapting to Change: Part 2 - with Nalanie Chellaram

    In this, the second in the series, Nalanie continues to answer questions about adapting to change. Questions such as, how do you adapt in a difficult relationship, and what about when you live alone?

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  • Adapting to Change: Part 1 - with Nalanie Chellaram

    In this, the first in the series, Nalanie answers questions centred around adapting to change, and what do you need to change in order to find peace. How do you find fulfilment when you're not clear about what you want to do with your life? What and how do you need to change so that you can for...

  • How Do We Find Inner Peace? A Talk with Nalanie Chellaram

    Practicing contentment and non-attachment, no expectations, and by not judging others are just a few ways Nalanie advocates towards finding that peace within. This is the third in the series filmed at Finca Ananda. Recorded on the 16th November, 2023.

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  • The Spirit Of Kindness: Pt. 2 - A Talk by Nalanie Chellaram

    Following on from the Satsang Nalanie gave on 'The Spirit Of Kindness' the previous week, in this video she discusses the practical application of selfless service and how it can bring us closer to the Divine. Quoting from the Bhagavad Gita, Nalanie explains the qualities we need to develop in o...

  • The Spirit Of Kindness: Pt. 1 - A Talk by Nalanie Chellaram

    In this video Nalanie explores how being kind can soothe, even heal, the soul - and this includes being kind to yourself. When you "start with the man in the mirror" it becomes easier to be kind to others.

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  • Let It Be - Pt 2: with Nalanie Chellaram

    In the second half of this series, Nalanie continues to talk about finding peace by letting go, but not by just giving up in exasperation, rather by doing so from a position of strength. She states that you can lose your peace when you don't get what you want, whatever it may be. Rather than wa...

  • Let It Be - Pt 1: with Nalanie Chellaram

    In the first of this two-part series, Nalanie explains how to let go of the things we can't control. She talks about letting go, not a 'giving up' from exasperation, but more a surrender from a position of strength.

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  • Reincarnation: Part 2 - with Nalanie Chellaram and Michelle O'Sullivan

    In this, the second of the two part series on reincarnation, Nalanie answers questions posed by some of her students and members of the audience, and is joined by special guest, Michelle O'Sullivan.

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  • Reincarnation - Part 1: with Nalanie Chellaram

    Nalanie talks about reincarnation and past lives, and presents explanations and examples in support of the concept that we have all lived before!

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Living In The Present: Part Two - with Nalanie Challaram

    In this, the second and final in the series, Nalanie continues to answer questions about living in the present. She explains that the first step is to know yourself and then goes on to provide different techniques to help you to move on.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Living In The Present: Part One - with Nalanie Challaram

    In this video Nalanie answers questions on how to live in the present and what the benefits are of doing so. She explains techniques to help still the mind and deepen meditation, and how to train the mind so you can live in the now and forget past traumas.

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  • Healing The Emotions Through Yoga Practices: with Nalanie Chellaram

    Nalanie answers deep questions posed by some of her students. It includes advice for Yoga therapists and an outline of the benefits of practicing Integral Yoga.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • A Soul Search - Part Two - with Nalanie Chellaram

    This is the second in the two-part series in which Nalanie continues to describe her spiritual journey and the obstacles she encountered along the way. She describes her experiences and offers them as examples to help others undertaking the same search for God.

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  • A Soul Search - Part One

    In this video, the first of a two-part series, Nalanie describes her spiritual journey, the search for her soul. Using her experiences as an example she offers advice for anyone who is likewise searching for the one true Self.

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  • The Yoga of Devotion - Part Four

    In this, the fourth and final part of the series on Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga Of Devotion, Nalanie advises to keep your Yogic practices simple and trust you will get better. She also answers the question, what is the difference between ego and self-respect?

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  • The Yoga of Devotion - Part Three

    Do we really have freedom of choice? Can we influence the course of events through prayer? These are just two of the questions answered by Nalanie in this, part three of the series 'The Yoga Of Devotion'.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga of Devotion: Part 2 - with Nalanie Chellaram

    In this, the second in the series on the Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga), Nalanie continues to discuss how to find peace and joy, love and light through devotion to the Divine, the Divine within not just oneself but also to the Divine in everyone else - and in everything! As her father George Har...

  • The Yoga of Devotion - Part 1: with Nalanie Chellaram

    There are eight "limbs" of Yoga and in this video Nalanie discusses one of them - Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Devotion. She relays her own experiences and answers questions about devotion, from where does it arise and is it linked to self-surrender?

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: New Beginnings

    Are peace and happiness your goals? Or is it just to change a bad habit? In this video Nalanie says to forget making a New Year's resolution and to look within, for it is there you will find the way to a new beginning and a new you!

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram