Radha Metro-Midkiff

Radha Metro-Midkiff

Radha Metro-Midkiff, Executive Director for the Integral Yoga Institute New York, brings a lifetime worth of experience in Yoga and business to the organization. She was born and raised in Yoga. Brought up at Yogaville, under the direct tutelage of Sri Swami Satchidananda, she met Sri Gurudev at the ripe old age of one. Her parents, Integral Yoga Ministers Bhagavan and Bhavani Metro, moved from Colorado, to Connecticut, then to Virginia, so she and her 5 siblings could attend the Integral Yoga School/Yogaville Vidyalayam. She was the only student to attend the school from 1st -12th grade. She was certified as both a Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga instructor at the age of 18. In addition, she had the fortune of being one of only four individuals to receive the direct blessing of Dharma confirmation from Swami Satchidananda.

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Radha Metro-Midkiff
  • Growing Up with Integral Yoga: A Conversation with Radha Metro-Midkiff

    How many of us can say that we grew up in a yogic household, going to a yogic school, living at an ashram, surrounded by the grace of the Guru? Radha Metro-Midkiff can. Radha shares about her childhood, her current service, and her special relationship with Swami Satchidananda.

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