Sean Johnson

Sean Johnson

Seán Johnson's intimate, intuitive connection to the spirituality of music, singing, and songwriting goes back to his childhood. He was a member of the New Orleans Symphony Children’s Chorus and active in musical theatre. After a traumatic performance experience as an adolescent, he quit singing in public for many years and found his voice again in his early twenties by connecting deeply to his Irish ancestors through singing traditional sean-nos songs in a year long Irish Studies program at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA, guided by ethnomusicologist Seán Williams. Williams shared songs that she had learned directly from Joe Heaney, considered to be one of Ireland’s greatest singers. In an intensive program focused on heart-centered spiritual traditions guided by Doranne Crable, Seán was introduced to the Sufi practice of dhikr, a powerful chanting practice that deepened his connection with the voice as a vehicle for spiritual transformation.

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Sean Johnson
  • Music as a Path of Transformation: A Conversation with Sean Johnson

    Kirtan artist Seán Johnson, of Seán Johson and the Wild Lotus Band, discusses:

    - the importance of preparation for presenting and his personal singing practice as a means of connecting to the universe
    - the balance between planning and staying present in the moment - using templates as a framewo...